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发布日期:2025-01-02 03:30    点击次数:56


(原标题:25th Anniversary of Macao's Return to China | From Mazu to the World: Cultural Impressions of Macao) Mazu, the goddess who protects sailors, has weathered many storms and witnessed the development and transformation of Macao. Where there is sea


开云体育 Two Systems" policy-开云平台皇马赞助商(中国)官方入口

(原标题:25th Anniversary of Macao's Return to China | From Mazu to the World: Cultural Impressions of Macao)

Mazu, the goddess who protects sailors, has weathered many storms and witnessed the development and transformation of Macao. Where there is sea, there are Chinese people; and where there are Chinese people, there is A-Ma. As a cultural emblem, Mazu embodies the hopes and aspirations of the people, transcending geographic boundaries to become an emotional bond among Chinese communities worldwide.

Estátua de pedra de Mazu(Mazu statue of stone)

The incense burning in ancient temples carries on the power of tradition. In Macao, a land where Eastern and Western cultures converge, the cultural imprint of Mazu is especially profound. With his chisel, Leong Man-nin etched a timeless mark, elevating Mazu's prayers from a white jade sculpture to the blueprint of a thriving metropolis. Standing atop Alto de Coloane in Macao, the 19.99-meter-tall A-Ma statue, made of the finest white jade, was created by this renowned sculptor. This colossal sculpture not only symbolizes the historic event of Macao's return to China, but has also become a symbol of the city's unique cultural identity. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in Macao's urban sculpture, which is now led by Chinese artists.

Chairman of the Macao Federation of Literary and Art Circles Renowned Artist, Leong Man-nin

Since Macao's return to China in 1999, this land of just 33.3 square kilometers and a population of fewer than 690,000 has, under the guidance of the "One Country, Two Systems" policy, written a legendary story of economic growth and social progress. Over the past 25 years, Macao's economy has witnessed remarkable development, with its per capita GDP now ranking ninth in the world and third in Asia, making it one of the wealthiest regions globally. The well-being of its people has continually improved, and its society has developed in a harmonious and stable manner.

From the A-Ma statue to the 10-kilometer-long Zodiac Sculpture Ensemble on the Cotai Strip, each of these works is like a silent epic, telling the story of Macao's history and transformation. In his later years, Master Leong created remarkable works of art, including sculptures, ink paintings, calligraphy, and more, blending tradition with innovation to vividly showcase the unique charm of Macao's multicultural heritage. "Actually, art is quite simple," he once said. " If you want to follow the trend, don't imitate others. Study the works of the masters and then surpass them." These words reflect his artistic philosophy: to both preserve tradition and be brave in innovation.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to China, the Southern Finance Omnimedia Corp. International Communication Center, the Greater Bay Area Metaverse International Communication Lab (GBA MIC Lab), and the 21st Century Business Herald App have launched a special 4K VR360° panoramic city and cultural micro-documentary titled VR?GBA - From Mazu to the World|The Sculptor of the City: Artist Leong Man-nin. The documentary features the 2019 Miss Macao 1st Runner-Up, EMILY, as the host. Follow her as she explores Leong Man-nin's art and delves into the spiritual core of Macao, offering a unique, immersive perspective on the city's dynamic development. The micro-documentary will be released on both Chinese and international broadcasting platforms, as well as VR platforms, on December 20. Stay tuned!

Produced by Southern Finance Omnimedia Corp. International Communication Center/GBA MIC Lab/21st Century Business Herald App

Producer: Yu Xiaona

Production Supervisor: Huang Yanshu

Production Coordinator: Zhuang Huan

Director: Zhu Jinghui

Video Editor: Zhu Jinghui, Zhang Qiliang, Gan Jun

Graphic Designer: Chen Shan

Overseas Content Coordinator: Huang Zihao

Overseas Operations Editors: Zhuang Huan, Wu Wanjie, Long Lihua, Zhang Weitao

Content Reviewer: Qiang Yan

Support Media: Macao Commercial Post开云体育

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